Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Unequal America, a 'viral video' You Should Watch

Wealth Distribution in America

This short and factual video gives a very accurate picture of the reality of the American Dream. If the accumulation of wealth has anything to do with your American Dream, then you'd have to be luckier than a lottery winner to really make it in the United States of America.

The real reality is that Americans dream small and so are satisfied with what they believe to be a good status quo. Watch and decide for yourself... UPDATE Jan 2015 - And remember, the real status quo is changing, ever pushing wealth to the right. The video has 2009 USA data while now in 2015 the top 1% of the world officially own more than the entire other 99% put together!


Paru said...

Is it any different in any of the democracies, especially in India?

Chang said...

This is great!


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